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Writer's picture@ebonykattami

Articuno, Zapdos & Moltres Amigurumi Pattern

Articuno was the first amigurumi I made with my own pattern, followed by Skitty, and then Moltres (P.S - Skitty is my favourite Pokemon, I was too scared to try creating her first because of how complex she appeared) :3

Re-visiting this pattern, and recreating it brings back so many memories; for those of you who have been following along with me from the very beginning (way back in August 2017), you would know that Articuno was the FIRST ever Pokemon I crocheted (...followed straight after by Skitty, then Moltres and Zapdos).

So, today I will be editing my old pattern, and updating it with new techniques I have discovered in the past year :3

** All 3 birds have the same: head, body, beak, feet ** There are 2 wing types - Moltres and Articuno share the same one; and Zapdos has his own unique set, Zapdos also has "head feathers" which are crocheted...

How cute are they? :3


* 3.5mm crochet hook

* 2x 10mm safety eyes/per bird

* 8ply yarn - blue, orange, red, yellow

* Felt - dark blue, red, yellow, white


mc - magic circle

ch - chain

sc - single crochet

hdc - half double crochet

inc - increase

dec - invisible decrease

slst - slip stitch

sk - skip

tc - turning chain

fc - foundation chain

TR - turn around

FO, LT - finish off, leave tail for sewing

OH - outer hoops only

Spread your wings, and flyyy~

Amigurumi Pattern:

[Head] - Articuno (blue), Moltres (orange) & Zapdos (yellow)

r1: mc 6

r2: inc around (12)

r3: [1sc, inc] around (18)

r4: [2sc, inc] around (24)

r5-9: sc around (24) --- insert safety eyes between r8-9, 6 stitches apart

r10: [2sc, dec] around (18)

r11: [1sc, dec] around (12) -- stuff firmly

r12: [1sc, dec] around (8)

[Body... continued from head]

r13: (OH) sc around (8)

r14: [3sc, inc] around (10)

r15: [2sc, inc] x3, sc (13)

r16-17: sc around (13)

r18: [2sc, dec] x3, sc (10) -- stuff firmly

r19: dec around (5), FO LT.

[Beak] - Articuno & Moltres (yellow), Zapdos (orange)

r1: mc 4

r2: [1sc, inc] around (6)

r3: [2sc, inc] round (8), FO, LT. -- stuff lightly

[Feet x2] - Articuno & Moltres (yellow), Zapdos (orange)

1. ch10

2. Fold and sew into the following shape: \ /\ / --> \/\/

[Wings x2] - Articuno (blue), Moltres (orange & red) - refer to diagram

r1: fc8, ch3, tc1, TR

r2: sk1, slst 3, [(ch3, sk1, slst, sc), slst into a fc] x3, slst, FO, LT -- with Articuno, each of these "feathers" are blue; with Moltres, it goes red, orange, red (make sure to change yarn colour with each "feather" - pattern is indicated in the [ feather pattern bracket])

[Wings x2] - Zapdos (yellow) - refer to diagram

Wing diagram

r1: ch2, (2), tc1, TR

r2: sc, inc (3) -- base


feather 1 - ch5, tc1, TR, (slst, 2sc, 2hdc), slst into base

feather 2 - ch6, tc1, TR, (slst, 2sc, 2hdc, sc), slst into base

feather 3 - ch5, tc1, TR, (slst, 2sc, 2hdc), slst into base, FO, LT.

[Head feathers] - Zapdos (yellow) - all done in a single chain (refer to picture)

A rough guide to how it should look :3 (please note that the chain between each "spike" is not drawn in)

1: ch2, (sk1, TR, slst), ch1

2: ch3, (sk1, TR, slst, sc), ch1

3: ch2, (sk1, TR, slst), ch1

4-8: ch3, (sk1, TR, slst, sc), ch1

9: ch2, (sk1, TR, slst), ch1

10: ch3, (sk1, TR, slst, sc), ch1

11: ch2, (sk1, TR, slst), ch1 , FO, LT.

Assembly instructions:

1. Sew beak to head

2. Sew wings to body

3. Sew feet to body 4. Sew "head feathers" to head - Zapdos has pattern, Articuno & Moltres (templates below)

5. Sew tails to body (templates below)

6. Sew white tummy patch to Articuno's body (template below)

7. Share completed pictures of your Legendary Bird Trio with me on instagram by tagging @ebonykatt.ami -- I would love to see pictures!


Templates not to size... just a rough sketch :3


~ Ebony xx

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